Gilson Software Solutions On-site iMOR (Management and Occupancy Review) Inspection Module completely automates the inspection process for a Contract Administrator from scheduling the inspection, sending out email/letters, selecting the Tenant File Review List based on numerous CA criteria, taking pictures or videos and then automatically updating the PBT Invoice Tasks.
Schedules MOR Inspections and produces and emails multiple notifications and finding letters that can be customized and provides reminders to the inspectors.
Color codes the schedule based on notified, confirmed and inspections with findings and displays them on a calendar.
Produces inspectors work plan for the year and then allows you to copy the plan from one year to the next utilizing the actual inspection/re-inspection dates
Built-in HUD MOR (9834 Form) including all questions in an easy to use iPad format.
Provides capability to add standard comments during inspection
Download/Upload scheduled inspections for any time period
Add or reschedule inspections in the field